About Us

Who are we?
Well, we are the Kórus Spontánusz!


The Kórus Spontánusz in the hall of the Faculty of Economics of the University of West Hungary
on 12/12/2011. Photo by Zsigmond Vas


That was our answer, unexpected even for us, since we hadn’t thought of a name yet. It happened on a December night in 2001 in Sopron in front of the Dömötöri Patisserie where we sang Christmas carols for the passersby. We didn’t notice being founded, only the joy of polyphonic singing. It was, and still is our experience that making music together strengthens existing friendships and facilitates the development of new ones.


We started out with 13 people and our numbers have only been growing ever since, we count 25-35 members on average. We gladly sing anything may that be it religious or secular, Hungarian or from abroad regardless of its period or language if it fits our skills and numbers.


We sing in churches, restaurants, museums, the Academy of Music, small villages in Hungary or Austria, at international competitions, libraries – anyplace where we are welcome.


2008-ban...The Kórus Spontánusz on World Choir Games 2008 in Graz, Austria.



Singing in a choir is a demanding activity; it takes a lot of time, energy, discipline and work.


If everybody gives everything they’ve got the returns will be manifold in joy and a sense of achievement.


This is our goal.